ONI Quick Tip: Compact Power Spine
A design for a power spine that makes power available on every floor while taking the least amount of space.
No longer an error page
A design for a power spine that makes power available on every floor while taking the least amount of space.
At least, not all of the sinks. Dupes will still use the sink outside the bathroom. So you can haveRead
Just some small updates on what I’ve been doing lately.
Not exactly back, but not completely gone either.
We get our dupe apartments up and running while we run out of algae.
Applying the lessons we learned in the last base, we start fresh with better plans in hand.
We continue to desperately search for any FPS we can find.
I review what we’ve done so far and think about what I could have done differently.
Some key resources come online as we close out the early portion of the game.